Thursday, April 15, 2010

Here's the skinny: Up do's!

Hey guys! Trying to keep up with my blog while relocating! It's not an easy task...
Oh yeah, I'm moving to Indiana! So I am def excited to see what fun I can have being so close to Chicago and all. I'll be sure to find some great classes and join forces with some great stylists out there! So stay tuned.

As for these pictures, I had the wonderful opportunity to have one of my girlfriends come out to visit me
from AZ and I had to take advantage of the situation and play with her hair (I don't usually get that opportunity since I live with my husband and black lab puppy)! I decided to play up some up do ideas I had in my head and put them to use! Have a look!

Up do with knots! tried to use as little bobby pins as possible but seeing as her hair is extremely short, we ended up using a box! Oh well, it looked great in the end!

I decided to get a little bit more creative and play up with different types of knots! This one is my favorite!

We decided to do a mini photo shoot since we had a victorious hair session!

Nothing helps like practice! I polished up the same look on my mannequin head. I think it looks great with the single panel down the middle!

Yay for hair victories!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Everybody wants to be a princess!

Well this Sunday as a proud Student Council Member, I helped host a Princess Party!
We helped raise a couple of bucks for the different Foundations through our Paul Mitchell School! It
was a wonderful opportunity to host an even that would not only be fun for us students and the girls we
served but also feel like our little school was apart of something big!

We were so blessed to have a lot of girls come out on a Sunday and volunteer to help with: Makeup, Hair, Nails, Airbrush, and etc.

We even had our very own Snow White on the premises! We were excited to have some of the
girls dress up, it really made a difference!

The girl's could choose from the heads what style they would like done to their hair as well as pick out
their airbrush stencil!

One of the other Student Council student, Karen did a great job!
Even though we didn't get a chance to raise as much as we hoped, we had a blast! We took home some ice cream and all agreed that it was worth it! I feel lucky that I was able to be on board and help set up a great event. Next year, I'm def going to plan on dressing up!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Before meets After

Caitlin's Before
Add some foils and magic...
Maybe do a little snipping here and there (since it was a little heavy in the back before)... and wa-la!
I covered her bad previous highlights with some hot red streaks and in the end she was
a hot mamacita!

Lorri's Before

Lorri's After--Tres Chic!

Jon Before--He needed a haircut

He was happy to shed the excess hair!

We decided to add a little bit of highlights for dimension/entertainment. I'm glad I have
an awesome husband that is willing to let me play with his hair! :)